Dee Hock once said ‘’ Make an empty space in any corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.’’ Creativity open doors for new inventions and add colours to our beautiful life. It allows us to generate novel ideas to different problems. In order to explore our creative self it is essential to be self aware. Try to introspect and reflect on how you have been solving different problems in your life. How this particular solution could have been different? We often think that to explore our creative self we need to find complex things in our environment and then try to solve them creatively. But one can explore their creative self by trying to find new and original solutions to even simple things which are present everywhere around us. Be flexible and keep your mind open. Try to solve open ended questions and brainstorm new, original and applicable answers to those questions. Keep on reinforcing yourself for trying and be intrinsically motivated. Involve in divergent thinking and find ideas which are off-the-beaten track and try to see new relationships between seemingly unrelated things. When you feel stuck and are not able to find any novel solution you can leave that problem for some time and try to relax and shift your attention towards other activities. This is known as Incubation stage. It is often found that when you leave the problem for some time, some new idea or solution suddenly strikes your mind. This is known as ‘’eureka’’ or ‘’aha’’ moment of insight. This is known as illumination stage of creativity. Creativity is a process and it can be nurtured by overcoming the fear of failure and freeing yourself to use your imagination and expressing it in original ways.
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