Summer holidays bring lot of mixed emotions by bringing joy and excitement to visit our near and dear ones , to travel to different places with family and friends but at the same time we miss our friends and learning from our teachers in school. But learning should never stop. So summer holidays can be utilized to gain experience outside of the classroom. Start with having a family bonding time where all the family members can sit together and share their experiences with each other. Learn life skills which will improve your abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Our ability to cope depends on how well we are prepared to deal with and counterbalance everyday demands, and keeps equilibrium in our lives. These life skills can be learned and even improved upon and summer break gives us that time to make a plan to work on our life skills. Learn time management with a central principle of spending your time doing the things that you value, or that help you to achieve your goals by making a to do list. Practice gratitude: Every evening, spend a few minutes writing down some good things about your day. This isn’t limited to major events. You might be grateful for simple things, such as a good meal, talking to a friend, or overcoming an obstacle. Go for a walk and make a special effort to appreciate your surroundings. You can do this by focusing on each of your senses, one at a time. Spend a minute just listening, a minute looking at your surroundings, and so on. Try to notice the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations you would usually miss, such as a cool breeze on your skin, or the clouds in the sky. Remove yourself from distractions such as phones or TV and spend 5-10 minutes mentally reviewing the good things from your day. The key to this technique is consistency. Think of it like brushing your teeth or exercise—it should be a normal part of daily self-care. This technique can be practiced as part of prayer, meditation, or on its own. Make the best use of this long holiday by having a plan for self improvement and join back with lot of positive energy.