Pink Day Celebration
The Colour Pink is the colour of universal love of oneself and of others. Pink is yet a soothing colour that shows care and affection. The light-hearted Colour-Pink represents friendship, harmony, inner peace and approachability with depth and stability. Pink is often associated with innocence of childhood and unabashed play.
In order to acquaint the little buds with the concept of pink colour, Pink Day was organized for the students of Class Pre-Nursery on Friday, 30 September 2022. Dressed in different shades of pink, the young ones looked charismatic radiating love, beauty and kindness. The classrooms were beautifully decorated with an array of pink colour objects like balloons, ribbons, soft toys etc. providing the students opportunities to have a clear sense of the colour and its importance. The tiny tots were given a thorough understanding about pink colour through fun filled activities. They got engaged in worksheet colouring wherein they coloured flamingo and flowers. The little ones enjoyed the activity and simultaneously understood the aesthetic sense of pink colour very well. Thus, the purpose of pink colour day celebration was successfully fulfilled.